Using insights and data gathered from research and student interviews, we discovered that students choose a college, often their first major decision, from both a rational and emotional perspective, taking into account affordability, internship opportunities, career preparation, academic programs, sports and social activities.
We also found that the college tour served as a pivotal point for students making the decision to come to CSU, and many of them said that they felt it was the right choice after experiencing the atmosphere of the campus. Their parents played an important role in the decision-making process as well, so part of the fall recruitment campaign focused on reaching parents with college-aged kids.
With all this in mind, we developed a conceptual campaign based around the idea that CSU "just feels right" through the lenses of rational and emotional reasoning.
In the end, the campaign generated more conversions and a 202% increase in completed applications year over year for Cleveland State University.

CSU Brand Refresh Mood Board
Cleveland State University, located in the heart of downtown Cleveland, was looking to refresh their brand with a more sophisticated and urban look. After exploring multiple design styles, we settled on pairing their brand green with white and gold for a more classic feel than the previous lime green and orange, along with bold typography and graphics, as seen in the mood board.
:30-second Student Recruitment Video Spot, Rational Focus
:30-second Student Recruitment Video Spot, Emotional Focus
I art directed the video shoot on location at Cleveland State University, and oversaw the visual direction of the production of multiple :20 and :30 second video spots. I also created campaign assets, ranging from billboards and print ads to digital and social media ads, targeting first-time students, parents, transfer and graduate students at different points in the decision-making and application process.