Argentine "vaqueros" at the San Antonio de Areco Estancia

A traditional asado

Horseback riding at dusk

La Recoleta Cemetery

Provoleta, a fried cheese with green olives

La Boca, a colorful neighborhood in Buenos Aires

Tigre, along La Plata River about 40 minutes north of Buenos Aires

Children on a carousel in Tigre

Palermo Botanical Gardens

Magical light in Palermo Botanical Gardens

La Casa Rosada in Plaza de Mayo

La Calle Florida, a main shopping thoroughfare

Balconies in Barrio Flores

Humahuaca, a small town in the northern Andean province of Jujuy

The Humahuaca Cemetery

Hand-dyed yarns in a shop in Humahuaca

Siesta time

Flower market in Humahuaca

A child leaving the market with her mother, wearing the colorful checkered indigenous pride flag like a cape.

The Andes, northern Argentina